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2024 Bridge Awards

Each year three bridges are selected as the Bridge of the Year based on the criteria listed below.  These bridges exemplify innovative and/or unusual techniques, design, and/or construction methods.




There are three categories for the Bridge Awards:

Bridge Cost - Under $2,000,000

Bridge Cost - $2,000,000 to $10,000,000

Bridge Cost - Over $10,000,000


Submissions are judged on the project merits - design, requirements, use of  innovative technology, schedule and  coordination, site conditions, constructability, and complexity - as well as the Entry Documentation - narrative  description, photos, sketches, project  features, and overall entry presentation. 


Please note: for categorization purposes each submission may nominate only one bridge, even if the project as a whole  contains multiple bridges.


To enter, please follow the submission instructions below. 

The submission deadline has been extended to April 19, 2024. 


Any questions, please contact:

Eric Yahn


2024 Bridge Award Submission Instructions

All Nominations are to be Digital. No paper copies are required.


Please include the following supporting documentation with each award nomination to permit proper evaluation of nominees:

  1. A written narrative description of the project (1 paragraph) identifying specific reasons for award consideration (i.e., construction technique, schedule, cost, site conditions, unique application of current technology, etc.) in pdf format;

  2. One digital photograph (in jpeg format) for award purposes; to be printed at 8"x10".

  3. One or more half-size (11"x17") drawings or illustrative sketches in PDF format to show the overall scope of the project.

  4. Listing of significant project features (3 pages maximum).

  5. A minimum of two additional photographic digital images showing the completed works to the structure. Other images may be submitted depicting the existing structure or construction process. Digital images should be 1-3MB in size and in jpeg format. These will be posted to the ABCD website.


All submissions shall be in digital formats as indicated above. No paper copy of the submission will be required. The PDF files will be used for judging. Photos and text from the submissions will be used on the website but the PDF submissions will only be available for download with the permission of the submitters.


Send nominations by email with "ABCD Bridge Award" in the subject line to  Eric Yahn at Please limit attachment sizes to a total of 10 megabytes per email. If you have problems emailing the submission files, contact Eric Yahn at (585) 458-9750 for assistance. State in the body of the email whether or not permission is granted to ABCD WNY allowing the use of the pdf file on the website. Submitted photos will be displayed on the website after announcement of the winners.


The submission deadline has been extended to April 19, 2024. 


Any questions, please contact:

Eric Yahn


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